
Friday, September 3, 2021

Bizzare bedmas

 Hello bloggers, recently in maths we have been learning about bedmas. I love bedmas as it is a fun way to figure out our maths questions. on Thursday we do create Thursday, so our task was to make a video that explains bedmas! we used stop motion in the video not only we had to explain bedmas we had to try and make it funny.  our aim was to make our teacher laugh if she did once we are out of lockdown we get a chocolate bar. We also got the choice of using playdough paper our Lego for our stop motion. I chose paper. I hope you enjoy my blogpost for today thank you and goodbye.


  1. Hello Alexie, Mathew here.
    its cool to know what you chose. I just want to say that your video is not working. So could you fix it I would love to watch your video.

  2. Hi Alexie, I am glad you are enjoying the elements of math and BEDMAS. I am sad that I can't see your video... I wonder how we can work this out? Mrs D


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